Common User Interface Conventions

Product Feature Guide

Table of Contents

Application Design


Form Fields



Application Design’s design strives to provide lenders with the best user experience, latest technology, scalability and security. Below you will find a few aspects of the new design but more improvements are available to users as they explore the application.


All tables are built on the latest material design principles, ensuring a seamless and uniform user experience throughout the application. This provides a consistent interaction style across the application, and offers inline editing capabilities while highlighting to users the fields they are about to interact with.


To enhance the user experience, we have included a feature that allows you to customize tables to suit your specific needs. This customization feature identified by this icon: empowers you to select the columns displayed in a table and rearrange &/or hide the columns according to your visual preferences. This customization feature is currently available in the Conditions section of the Manager Portal, as well as, the Loan Details widget (Existing Mortgage tab), the Credit Widget, the Net Worth widget (property tab), the Property Details Pop Up (Existing Mortgage tab and Appraisal tab), and the Conditions and Documents widget within an application.

Form Fields

Our form field styles provide a superior user experience. These include clear indicators for editable content, and enhanced delimitation (borders and boundaries) of the input area. Here are the various states that these form fields can exhibit: 

  • Default - Added gray background color
  • Disabled - No background color added but keep the body text color same as default, so the values are not hidden
  • Hover - Added dark gray background color
  • Focus/Active - Added green underline
  • Error - Added red underline


We show a checkmark to better identify selected items within any dropdown fields.


Search Icon

Help Icon

Provides additional detail through our knowledge base in a separate tab. 

View recent notifications

 Mute and unmute notifications

Access your user profile



Indicates the number of items in a page

Indicates the total number of items

Where a list extends beyond a single page, use the page navigation controls to move between pages or increase/decrease the viewable items in the page

Green Plus Button - Indicates to add data


Ellipsis - Indicates a sub menu of actions

Click to open edit mode for a widget 

Click to close edit for a widget


Pop-up Icon

 When clicked a pop-up will appear associated with the content it is placed with


Date data field

Numeric data adjustment arrows

Use the up/down buttons to increase or decrease the current value.

Maximize entities by selecting this icon or toggle full screen 

Minimize entities by selecting this icon


Sidebar indicator. The details in some widgets can be found in a sidebar by selecting the details sidebar icon.

Locked applications are identified, in the Pipeline view, with an orange lock icon.

Select cancel button to cancel out of the action. 

Select delete button to delete the entity associated with the pop up


Select the next button to move to the next step within the process. 

Select the filter icon to access the filtering option associated with the entity. 

Select the message icon to send messages within the platform.

Warning badge to review associated content. 


Toggle off. Toggle on. Associated with content. When grey and moved left, the item or entity is not active. When green and moved right, the item or entity is activated. 

Select customize table to customize associated table and content.

Click the X icon to exit out of the entity

Select tool tip to see associated descriptive information associated to entity or hover or entity to reveal descriptive information. 


Toggle between English & French

Indicates there is an options list. Click on it to open the option list.

Shrink or expand a panel

Indicates and Address Details pop up is available. Click to open. 


Upload button. Indicates upload functionality is available. Click to begin uploading.

Counter Button. Identifies the number of actions required. Examples are Tasks, Messages, Documents, or Conditions etc. 

Indicates the Dashboard section within the navigation menu. 

Indicates the Generate Documents section within the navigation menu. 


Indicates the Tasks section within the navigation menu.

Indicates the Approvals section within the navigation menu. 

Results Widget Icon. 

Loan Details Widget Icon.


Credit Widget Icon. 

Income Widget Icon. 

Net Worth Widget Icon. 

Stakeholder’s Details Widget Icon. 


Conditions and Documents Widget Icon. 

Request Credit Bureau Button.

View Credit Report Button.

Request Documents - Located in the top right hand corner of the Stakeholder’s Details if a document request has not yet been created. 




Blank and clear means data does not apply.

Green with a checkmark means data applies. 

Radial Button.

Checked with color means data applies.

Unchecked and blank means data does not apply. 

Indicates a Person, i.e. Borrower, Co-Borrower, Director, Guarantor

Indicates a Corporate Entity, i.e. 3rd Party, Agent, Lawyer, POA, Signing Officer, Submitting Agent. 


Indicates a company. 

Sort arrows - Usually found to the right of list headers. 

Upwards - Ascending  Downwards -Descending 

OPTA Tools

Indicates a property.


Application History 

Application Notes

Platform Notes

Indicates a Kanban, i.e. Pipeline Kanban view. 


Indicates a list, i.e. Pipeline list view. 

Manually Created Icon indicating application was created manually. 

Clone Application Icon indicating the application was created by cloning another application. 

Merge Applications Icon indicates the application was created via the merge functionality. 


Lock Icon indicating the application has been locked and can not be edited. 

Ingested from Filogix Icon

Ingested from Lendesk Icon

Ingested from Velocity icon


Closing Date Icon

Acceptance Deadline Date Icon

Insurer Pending Icon

Insurer Error Icon


Conditionally Approved Icon

Loan Amount Icon

User Details Button (Manager Portal)

Filter Icon



Activate/Deactivate Account (Manager Portal)

Activate/Deactivate MFA (Manager Portal)

Delete button

Marked as Pending icon

Insurer Approved icon Marked as Declined icon Marked as Cancelled icon

Indicates Critical Priority Level

Indicates High Priority Level

Indicates Medium Priority Level

Indicates Low Priority Level