Product Feature Guide
FCT Items, Their Description & Functionality
Partial and Multiple Address Matches
FCT MMS for Closing Instructions
FCT MMS Items, Their Description & Functionality
Requesting a Closing Instruction
Receiving Updates on Closing Instructions
Managing Closing Instruction Requests
Uploading and Managing Documents
FCT Integration
Note: This feature is a tenant-setting. To enable it in your environment, contact the Client Success Team.
FundMore’s FCT integration streamlines the mortgage process, offering two essential services: FCT Flex and MMS. FCT Flex allows users request and manage appraisals directly through the LOS. On the other hand, MMS provides key services related to the loan closing process, including closing instructions, lawyer instruction, disbursements, and document handling. This provides a centralized hub for handling these services, by integrating critical components into one workflow. This integration is designed to enhance collaboration between stakeholders and improve the efficiency of the mortgage underwriting process.
FCT Flex for Appraisals
Note: This feature is a tenant-setting. If you have a contract with FCT for appraisals and you wish to have this feature enabled please reach out to the Client Success Team.
FCT Flex allows users to order and manage appraisal requests without leaving the FundMore platform. This eliminates the need for external systems, allowing for a smoother and more controlled process.
Appraisals can be requested within the Appraisal tab of the Property Details Pop-up.
The Property Details pop-up can be accessed via the Loan Details widget, specifically with the Summary tab or the Securities tab. Additionally, it can be accessed through the Property tab of the Net Worth widget.
Note: To make updates to the Appraisal tab, the Property Details pop-up needs to be in edit mode.
FCT Items, Their Description & Functionality
Appraisal Details Icon - Allows users to view comprehensive information about a specific appraisal. By clicking this button, users can access detailed data such as the appraiser’s information, property valuation, status updates, and other relevant metrics
Sort the Appraisals List - You can sort the appraisals list by ascending or descending order. Simply click on the arrow icon next to the column header you wish to sort by. When the arrow points upwards, the list is sorted in ascending order; when it points downwards, it is sorted in descending order. The arrow in the sorted column will remain fixed, indicating your chosen criteria.
Ascending: | Descending: |
‘Add New Appraisal’ Button - This is used to request an appraisal from FCT, or add a new appraisal to the deal manually.
Customize Table Button - This functionality enables users to select the specific columns they want to view in the table and arrange them in their preferred order.
To customize the appraisal table, follow these steps:
- Click on the Customize Table icon.
- A sidebar will appear on the right side of the screen.
- Select which columns you want to display in the table by checking the corresponding checkboxes next to the column names.
- To rearrange the order of the columns, hover to the left of the checkbox. When the drag icon appears, click and drag it to your preferred position.
- Once you close the sidebar, the appraisal table will automatically update to reflect your selections and column arrangement.
Column List Headers - Refers to the labels at the top of each column in a table.
Date - The date the appraisal or request was initiated or completed.
Appraiser - The name of the professional conducting the appraisal.
Company - The organization or firm responsible for the appraisal.
Type - The category or type of appraisal being performed.
Status - The current stage or progress of the appraisal request.
Source - The origin of the appraisal request, such as the lender or system.
Value - The appraised value of the property..
Confidence Score - A metric indicating the reliability of the appraisal's value assessment.
Eligibility Status (FCT) - The current eligibility of the appraisal or loan process, as determined by FCT.
Ellipsis - Clicking on this option opens a drop-down menu that provides options to manage the Appraisal Request, including "Use as Property Value," "Update Request," "Cancel Request," and "Delete."
Requesting an Appraisal
To request an appraisal, follow these steps:
Note: The Property Details pop-up needs to be in edit mode.
- Navigate to the Appraisal tab within the Property Details pop-up.
- Click on the "Add New Appraisal" button (i.e. the green plus button).
- Select the Request FCT Appraisal option.
- A pop-up will appear with property address details. Review and ensure that the address is correct before proceeding.
- On the next screen, select the desired FCT Product. If your organization supports only one product, it will be automatically selected. You can also flag the request as urgent by enabling the Rush Flag. If applicable, toggle the Market Rent Indicator, which will enable the Rental Type field. For rental properties, choose between Entire Dwelling or Basement Only as the rental type.
- You will be directed to a review screen where you can verify your request. The system will automatically highlight any missing or incomplete fields. If any required information is missing, please complete the required fields and start the process over again. To proceed, ensure all required information is provided. Once you have filled in the necessary fields, click Next to continue.
- Submit the request. Once submitted, an on-screen message will indicate that the request is being processed.
Note: If there are any errors, the request may not be processed. Where possible, the system will display error messages on the screen, prompting you to correct the issues before resubmitting.
Receiving Appraisal Updates
Once an appraisal request has been submitted, you will receive a response from FCT, which may be immediate or delayed (within 4 hours). The response will provide key information about your request.
If the response is immediate, you will see the following update in the response screen.
Otherwise, the response will be processed and the user will receive email and in-app notifications as the request is updated. The user's email address is sent directly to FCT as part of the appraisal request. This ensures that users interacting with FCT via their portal will receive email notifications about updates to the appraisal request.
FCT Response Details
When FCT responds, the system will update the request with the following details:
- Reference Number
- Deal Status:
- Received for Review
- Assigned for Review
- Request Status:
- In Progress
- Insurance Status:
- Pending
Once the deal is completed, the system will update the request with the following details:
- Deal Status:
- Completed
- Request Status:
- Ready (completed but not picked up by the lender yet)
- Delivered (completed and picked up by the lender)
- Insurance Status:
- Eligible for Insurance
- Ineligible for Insurance
- No Report Available (No AVM Report)
Partial and Multiple Address Matches
When submitting an appraisal request, you may encounter situations where FCT responds with address matches that are not exact. The system is designed to facilitate the continuation of your order process in such cases.
FCT Partial Match: If FCT identifies a partial match for the property address, a message will prompt you to either continue with the existing address or return to update it. Should you choose to update the address, you can restart the order process once the changes are made.
FCT Multiple Match: In instances where FCT provides multiple matching addresses, the system will present a list of options for you to review. Simply scroll through the list, select the correct address, and proceed with your appraisal request by clicking "Continue with address."
Viewing Appraisal Details
In the Appraisal tab, there will be a list of all appraisal requests created on the deal. To view further details of the FCT Appraisal, click on the Appraisal Details icon located to the far right of the appraisal entry in the list.
This will direct you to a screen with three sections: Appraisal Details, Notes, and Request Details.
The Appraisal Details section provides an overview of the order, including its current status. Users can also download the appraisal report for further review; however, the availability of the report may vary depending on the user's specific products.
Note: We have temporarily disabled the "Download report" button.
Here is an example of a downloaded report:
If applicable, the Market Rent Range Price and Market Rent Report will also be available within this tab.
The Notes section facilitates direct communication with various stakeholders, including FCT, lenders, appraisers, and underwriters. This area allows users to relay information or ask questions related to the appraisal process, ensuring smooth and efficient communication.
Finally, the Request Details tab displays all the details included in the appraisal order, offering users a comprehensive view of their request.
Managing Appraisal Request
To manage the FCT Appraisal, click on the ellipsis located to the far right of the appraisal entry. This action opens a drop-down menu that provides various options relating to the Appraisal Request, including "Use as Property Value," "Update Request," "Cancel Request," and "Delete."
Use as Property Value
You can choose to use the value of an appraisal as the property value. To do so, follow these steps:
- Locate the appraisal whose value you wish to utilize.
- Click on the ellipsis located to the far right of the appraisal entry.
- Select the Use as property value option from the dropdown menu.
Once completed, the Property Value field in the Summary tab of Loan Details will automatically populate with the corresponding value, and a green checkmark will be displayed next to the "Property Value" field.
Additionally, the calculations for LTV and CLTV will automatically update. There may also be updates to the loan amount and/or down payment if the appraised value does not match the purchase price.
Update Request
To update an FCT Appraisal request, follow these steps:
- Locate the appraisal request you wish to update.
- Click on the ellipsis located to the far right of the appraisal entry.
- Select the Update Request option.
The request will be sent to FCT and the user will receive an in-app notification when an update is received.
Cancel Request
To update an FCT Appraisal request, follow these steps:
- Locate the appraisal request you wish to cancel.
- Click on the ellipsis located to the far right of the appraisal entry.
- Select the Cancel Request option.
- This will prompt a pop-up for confirmation.
- Enter the cancellation notes.
- Click on the cancel request button. The request will be processed by FCT.
Note: Users cannot cancel a request once it has been processed (i.e., it is no longer pending or waiting for a response from FCT). In such cases, an error message will be displayed, advising you to contact FCT for support.
Delete an Appraisal
To delete an appraisal, follow these steps:
- Locate the appraisal you wish to delete.
- Click on the ellipsis icon at the far right of the corresponding row.
- Select the "Delete" option from the dropdown menu.
- A warning will appear to confirm you wish to delete the appraisal.
- Click the "Remove" button to proceed. If you change your mind, you can click the "Cancel" button to cancel the action.
FCT MMS for Closing Instructions
Note: This feature is a tenant-setting. To have it enabled in your environment, please reach out to the Client Success Team.
FCT MMS streamlines the entire closing process by enabling users to seamlessly send closing instructions, provide lawyer directives, manage disbursements, and efficiently upload and access all documents related to the transaction. This integration ensures a smooth and organized workflow for managing the final stages of the loan process.
Requirements for Configuration
- The lender must request an account and configuration setup from FCT to initiate the process with FundMore.
- Technical coordination between FCT and FundMore is necessary to establish the feature on the lender's preview environment.
- FundMore requires a list of document types specific to the lender. Once received, we will configure these document types within the lender’s environment.
Note: While the document types are visible in the Manager Portal, they are managed solely by FundMore, not the lender.
MMS Management
Once enabled, the FCT MMS can be accessed via the Closing Instructions tab in the Loan Details widget.
For a comprehensive demonstration of this feature, refer to this video: FCT-MMS-Demo.
FCT MMS Items, Their Description & Functionality
Documents Icon - Opens a document management window where users can upload, view, and download documents related to the closing process. This feature provides easy access to all necessary paperwork for review and compliance.
Notes Icon - Opens a communication panel where users can add, view, or reply to notes. This section allows users to communicate with other parties involved in the transaction, ensuring all updates and instruction notes are easily tracked.
Disbursements Icon - Opens the disbursements management screen where users can review and manage financial disbursements related to the closing process. It provides a detailed breakdown of funds being allocated and tracks the flow of payments.
Sort the Closing Instructions List - You can sort the closing instructions list by ascending or descending order. Simply click on the arrow icon next to the column header you wish to sort by. When the arrow points upwards, the list is sorted in ascending order; when it points downwards, it is sorted in descending order. The arrow in the sorted column will remain fixed, indicating your chosen criteria.
Ascending: | Descending: |
Column List Headers - Refers to the labels at the top of each column.
Registration Number - A unique identifier for each closing transaction, assigned by FCT for tracking and reference purposes.
Type of Closing - Specifies the method or origin of the closing request, such as FCT-generated closings or manual entries from the user.
Collateral Amount ($) - To be determined.
Submitted On - The date when the closing request was initially submitted to FCT for processing.
Last Updated On - Indicates the most recent date when any changes or updates were made to the closing request, such as modifications to instructions or disbursements.
Ellipsis - Clicking on this option opens a drop-down menu that provides options to manage the Closing Instruction, including "View Details," "Update Request," "Fetch updates from FCT," and "Send funding confirmation."
‘Add New Closing’ Button - This is used to request an FCT Closing Instruction, or add a new closing instruction to the deal manually.
Requesting a Closing Instruction
To request a closing instruction, follow these steps:
Note: The Loan Details widget needs to be in edit mode.
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the "Add New Closing Instruction" button (i.e. the green plus button).
- Select the Request FCT Closing Instruction option.
- The first screen displayed is the Instruct Lawyer section, where the user must fill out the necessary details.
- Product* - This is a mandatory field. It is prefilled with information from the deal and cannot be modified.
- Lawyer* - This is a mandatory field. The lawyers shown here are stakeholders already added to the application. It will be disabled if no lawyer has been selected for the file. In such cases, the user must add a lawyer to the deal using the stakeholder widget before proceeding.
- FCT Product* - This is a mandatory field. Select the appropriate option from the list of FCT products.
- Registered Amount* - This is a mandatory field. It is prefilled with the relevant value from the deal information.
- Lender Notes - This is an optional field. Users can add extra instructions or information for the lawyer. While not required, this can help clarify details.
Once these mandatory fields are filled, the user can proceed to the next step.
- You will be directed to a review screen where you can verify your request. The system will automatically highlight any missing or incomplete fields. If any required information is missing, please complete the required fields and start the process over again. To proceed, ensure all required information is provided.
- Click on Instruct Lawyer once all the required fields are complete.
After instructing the lawyer, the instruction request will appear in the Closing Instructions list. From here, you can monitor updates, access documents, notes, disbursements, and fetch updates from FCT.
Note: If there are any errors, the request may not be processed. Where possible, the system will display error messages on the screen, prompting you to correct the issues before resubmitting.
Receiving Updates on Closing Instructions
Once a closing instructions request has been submitted, you will see the following update in the response screen.
As the request is processed, users will receive in-app notifications. This guarantees that individuals interacting with FCT through their portal are kept informed about updates regarding their closing instructions request.
Additionally, a warning will appear inline with the request that indicates that the values have been updated by FCT. Clicking on this warning will redirect the user to the Changes page where they can view the updated values. More information on this will be provided later in this guide.
Managing Closing Instruction Requests
Users can take advantage of various features to efficiently manage their closing instructions requests. Below are explanations and steps for each subsection to guide users through the process.
View Details
The "View Details" option allows users to see an overview of the closing instructions request, including all associated information and statuses. This is useful for reviewing the current status of the request and ensuring all required information is present. Users can easily access this by following the steps below:
- Locate the relevant closing instructions request in the list.
- Click the ellipsis (three dots) icon on the far right of the row.
- Select "View Details" from the dropdown menu.
There are a few tabs including Overview, Submitted Data, Changes, Documents, Notes and Disbursement.
The Overview tab provides key contextual information regarding the closing request. Fields include "Type of Closing", "Registration Number," "Submitted On," and "Last Updated On." The "Deal Status," "Transaction Status," "Lender Remarks," "Confirmation Date," "Registration Date," and "Instrument Number" fields offer a snapshot of the request's progress. Some of these values come from the initial request, while others will automatically update as the request moves through various stages.
The Submitted Data tab displays all the original information submitted during the closing instructions request. It allows users to review the data sent to FCT, ensuring accuracy and completeness before the request progresses.
The Changes section logs any updates made to the request by showing a comparison between the original data and any changes received from FCT. The column headers include:
- Entity: Refers to the part of the system or entity being changed.
- Field Name: The specific field being updated.
- Submitted Value: The original value submitted.
- Updated Value from FCT: The new value after an update from FCT.
In addition, there is a checkbox that serves as an acknowledgment for each change. Each change has its own checkbox inline with the row of the relevant change. Acknowledging the change does not modify the value in the Loan Origination System (LOS); it simply serves as confirmation on FCT's end that the change has been reviewed and will be updated for the FCT request.
For a better understanding, refer to this video demonstration: Update instruction request.mkv
Setting Milestones
Users are able to set and send Milestones to FCT. Milestones are a way to communicate the progress of closing instructions to FCT. They are located at the top of the FCT Request table, and are visible after selecting the View Details option.
Available milestones include:
- Broker Conditions Satisfied
- Solicitor Document Satisfied
- Lender Release Authorized
If a milestone has not been applied, it will appear gray. Once the milestone has been applied, its color will change to indicate completion.
Hovering over the milestone icon when it is not applied will display the milestone name. Once applied, hovering over the icon will show the date the milestone was marked as satisfied.
For a better understanding of Milestones, refer to this video demonstration: fct-mms-milestones.mkv
There is minimal configuration required in Manager Portal for the MMS feature. However, for tenants who have this integration enabled,
Note: This section is only visible to tenants who have the FCT MMS integration enabled.
MMS Document Types
For tenants with the MMS integration enabled, minimal configuration is required. However, a dedicated section called MMS Document Types has been added to the Manager Portal. This section displays a list of document types received from FCT, specific to each tenant. Currently, these document types are read-only and cannot be modified. Below is an example of how this section may appear:
The Documents section is the central hub for managing, viewing, and uploading all documentation related to the closing instructions. It allows users to track and review the necessary documents for the transaction, ensuring a smooth workflow and seamless communication with FCT.
To access the Documents section, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab in the Loan Details widget.
- Locate the relevant closing instruction request.
- Click on the Documents icon inline with the request.
This opens the Documents section where you can upload new documents or review existing ones.
Some features to note include:
- Search Box: You can search for previously uploaded documents using the search box.
- Filter: You can filter the list to only show the latest document using the “Show Latest Only” filter.
The fields within the Documents section include the following:
- Name: The title of the document, typically representing its content or purpose.
- Version: Indicates the version number of the document, showing if it has been updated. When multiple documents are uploaded with the same document type, the version number will increment accordingly. The highest version number represents the most recent version.
- Document Type: The category or type of document, such as "Identification Document" or "Commitment Letter," based on pre-configured options in Manager Portal.
- Submitted On: The date and time the document was uploaded to the system.
- Status: Displays the current status of the document, such as "In Progress," or "Successful," etc.
- Stakeholder: Refers to the stakeholder associated with the document, such as a borrower or lawyer.
You can sort the documents list by ascending or descending order. Simply click on the arrow icon next to the column header you wish to sort by. When the arrow points upwards, the list is sorted in ascending order; when it points downwards, it is sorted in descending order. The arrow in the sorted column will remain fixed, indicating your chosen criteria.
Ascending: | Descending: |
Uploading and Managing Documents
To upload a document, follow these steps:
Note: The Loan Details widget needs to be in edit mode.
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the Documents icon inline with the request.
- In the Documents section, click on the Upload button.
- This will open a sidebar where you can select the documents to be uploaded. There are two options:
- Select Files: This allows you to choose from the documents that have already been uploaded to the deal e.g. the Commitment Letter. Click the Select Files button to open a pop-up showing previously uploaded documents. You can select the checkbox next to the document(s) you wish to upload. You can upload multiple documents at once, simply select the corresponding checkbox for each document you wish to upload. There is a search box making it easier to find the documents in the list.
- Alternatively, click the down arrow next to the Select Files button to open a dropdown menu. From here, you have two options:
- Select from uploaded documents: This is the same as the Select Files option. It allows you to choose from the documents that have already been uploaded to the deal. If you hover on this option, a pop-up will appear, allowing you to select the checkboxes next to the documents you wish to include. . You can upload multiple documents at once, simply select the corresponding checkbox for each document you wish to upload
- Select new documents: This option allows you to upload files directly from your device.
- Select Document Type: Once you've selected or uploaded a document, it will populate in the sidebar. Click the arrow next to the document name and select the appropriate document type. Document types are pre-configured in the Manager Portal and must be assigned before the Upload Document button becomes enabled.
- Removing Documents: If you no longer wish to upload a selected document, click on the ellipsis next to the document and choose Remove.
- Once document types are assigned, click the Upload Document button to complete the process. Alternatively, if you want to cancel the entire upload process, click on the Cancel button.
For a better understanding of this process, you can refer to these video demonstrations: Uploading a Document MMS or Upload application documents to FCT-MMS.
Actioning Uploaded Documents
Once a document has been uploaded, it will be visible to FCT. If there is any interaction from their end about the document, a notification will be sent in-app and by email to all team members assigned to the application.
In the right-hand corner of the document you wish to action, there are three clickable icons. Clicking on any of these icons will direct you to a window to review and action the document.
- Comments Icon: The comments icon indicates if there are any comments on a specific document. If the broker has included comments on a document, a counter will appear beside the icon. Clicking on this icon directs you to a window where you can see the document and any relevant details. You will also be able to view and add comments for that document. Note: The lender has the option of making any comments added here visible internally only or externally.
- View Document Icon: Clicking on this icon opens up the document for viewing. It directs you to a window to see the document and any relevant details. You will also be able to view and add comments for that document.
- Inline Ellipsis: Clicking on the inline ellipsis opens a drop down with two options: Review and Download. Review directs you to a window where you can see the document and any relevant details. You will also be able to view and add comments for that document. Download enables you to download the document to your device. This is useful when you need to email the document to a stakeholder.
The document review window will open within the widget. You can review it in the widget or click on the open in a new window icon to view it in a maximized view. Within the Document Details Section, you will see relevant details such as the stakeholder assigned to the document or the rejection reason if the document has been rejected.
Accept or Reject a Document
To accept or reject the document, click on the appropriate button at the top of the page.
- Accept a Document: Clicking on the Accept button triggers a pop-up window, prompting confirmation of your intention to accept the document. You have the option to input comments before finalizing your acceptance by clicking the Accept button.
For accepted documents, a green checkmark will appear to the right-hand corner of the document title. If you hover over the checkmark, you will see details on when it was accepted and who verified it. Additionally, a comment will be added for that specific document.
- Reject a Document: Clicking on the Reject button triggers a pop-up window, prompting confirmation of your intention to reject the document. You have the option to input comments before finalizing your rejection by clicking the Reject button.
For accepted documents, a green checkmark will appear to the right-hand corner of the document title. If you hover over the checkmark, you will see details on when it was accepted and who verified it. Additionally, a comment will be added for that specific document.
Note: You can always revise your decision on a document, whether it has been accepted or rejected. If a document was previously accepted but needs further review, or if a rejected document is later found to meet requirements, you can change your decision at any time. Simply navigate to the document, select the appropriate action (either "Accept" or "Reject"), and the system will update the document status accordingly. This ensures flexibility in document handling, allowing users to make adjustments as needed without being locked into a prior decision.
Users are able to download or print the document from this screen. To download the document, click on the download button as shown below. The document will be saved to your device.
To print the document, click on the print document icon as shown below, and proceed as you normally would to print a document.
Commenting on a Document
This section is accessed only after a document has been uploaded. It is usually accessed through the comment icon inline with the document (i.e. within the Documents section of the Closing Instructions tab).
The comments are specific to the selected document. Clicking on this icon opens up the document for viewing, providing access to the comments section where existing comments can be viewed and new comments can be added. When adding comments, lenders have the option to make comments visible either internally or externally. Internal comments will only be visible within your organization, while External comments are shared with FCT. To make a comment visible to FCT, you must select the "Visible externally" checkbox before adding the comment. If this checkbox is left unchecked, the comment will remain visible only internally within the LOS. When a comment is received from FCT, a counter will appear beside the icon, alerting you to the presence of new activity.
Assign a New Stakeholder
After a document has been uploaded, you are able to select a different stakeholder. If two documents have the same document type, updating the stakeholder for one updates the stakeholder for the other. To update a stakeholder, navigate to the Documents section with the Closing Instructions tab. Click on the stakeholder field inline with the appropriate document and select the relevant stakeholder from the dropdown menu. Refer to this video demonstration for a better understanding:
Maximized View for Documents
Users can view and manage the uploaded documents within a maximized view. The functionalities in this view are similar to those in the minimized view so, this section will focus solely on the minor differences.
- Open Details in Sidebar: This opens a sidebar with the Document Details and Comments section. The functionality remains the same.
- Ellipsis: This opens a dropdown menu with three options: Edit, Download and Delete. The Edit option allows you to update the document name and modify the document type.
The download option saves the document to your device. The delete option allows you to delete the document. When you click on this option, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the document.
Other functionality remains the same.
The Notes section is designed for general communication on the file, independent of any specific documents. It allows for seamless two-way communication between users and FCT. Notifications are triggered for any updates, making sure all parties stay informed.
To leave a note, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the Notes icon inline with the request.
- Enter your message in the provided text box.
- Click the Send button.
Once submitted, your note will populate in the Notes section and be visible to both FCT and the lender. Any responses from FCT will also appear in this section, functioning similarly to a messaging app.
To view the Disbursements, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the Disbursements icon inline with the request.
In the Disbursements section, information such as Type, Amount, Payer, and Receiver will be displayed.
Update Instruction Requests
Users can easily update lawyer instructions within the FCT request process. This is useful when you need to change the lawyer during the closing process. To initiate an update, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the ellipsis (three dots) next to the relevant closing instruction.
- Select Update Request from the dropdown menu.
- The first screen displayed is the Instruct Lawyer section - similar to the initial request creation process. Only the Lawyer and Lender Remarks fields can be edited, all other fields are locked. Update the fields as needed.
- After updating the required fields, click Next to proceed.
- You will be taken to a review page to ensure all mandatory fields are completed. Ideally, these fields should be pre-filled since this is an update to the original request. If everything appears correct, click Next to finalize the update.
- Barring any issues, the update request will be processed, and confirmation will be displayed on the screen.
Fetching Updates from FCT
As a user, you can manually retrieve updates from FCT. To do so, follow these steps:
Note: The Loan Details widget needs to be in edit mode.
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the ellipsis (three dots) in line with the closing instruction.
- Select Fetch Updates from FCT from the dropdown menu.
This process ensures that the latest data from FCT is synchronized with the FundMore system, providing the most up-to-date information.
Refer to this video demonstration for a better understanding: Fetch-Updates-MMS.mp4
Send Funding Confirmation
As a user, you have the ability to send a funding confirmation to FCT. To complete this process, follow these steps:
Note: The Loan Details widget needs to be in edit mode.
- Navigate to the Closing Instructions tab within the Loan Details widget.
- Click on the ellipsis (three dots) in line with the closing instruction.
- Click on the Send Funding Confirmation button.
- A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter the amount you wish to confirm.
- Enter the confirmed amount and press Send.
If any milestones are not yet completed, you will receive a notification indicating the outstanding tasks. If all milestones are completed, the request will be processed, and the system will update the file once FCT sends its response.
For a more detailed demonstration of this process, please refer to the provided video: Send-funding-confirmation.mkv.
History Logs
The system keeps track of changes to FCT requests. Users can view the History Log to see the sequence of updates related to a closing instruction.
Users can view updates to FCT requests in the Application Data tab. Use the search bar to find specific data or narrow down your view by selecting "Only values that can be updated."
When FCT makes updates, users receive notifications, and all updated fields will display warnings in the Application Data tab.