Task Management

Product Feature Guide

Table of Contents 


Task Template Items, Their Description & Functionality

Column List Headers

Adding a Task

Editing a Task

Deleting a Task


Task templates consist of predefined tasks designed to remind assignees with specific roles of impending action items, their due dates, and provide a record-keeping system for the outcomes of those actions. 

For example, a task may require underwriters to verify the active licensing status of the broker associated with a specific application within the 'New Application' stage. This task can be designated as high priority, applicable to all property and employment types, and assigned to the underwriter with a due date within 7 days of file ingestion.

Tasks can be configured to have completion times ranging from minutes to days, or any combination of days, hours, and minutes. Any tasks set up in the Task Management section will automatically populate the appropriate applications when the application is transitioned into the stage the task applies to. 

It is important to note that tasks are triggered upon any stage transition if the criteria are met for the default tasks as set out in the Manager Portal.  It is the act of entering the stage that is the trigger.     

Task Template Items, Their Description & Functionality

Manager Portal

Search Box - Located at the top left corner of the section. In the search box you are able to enter text/keywords related to the previously created default tasks. All default tasks with the search criteria in them will appear in a list view.

‘Add New Task’ Button - Enables you to create a new task. When selecting this button a pop up will appear with fields to input data. The fields consist of: Task, Description, Application Stage, Product, Priority, Purpose, Property, Assignee, Employment, Due Days, Due Hours, & Due Minutes. 

Column List Headers

The headers below marked with an asterisk (*) carry through to the Task menu within the application dashboard.

-  This is the name of the task (this will be visible to other users within applications).

Description* - A detailed description of the task or explanation of what is required to complete the task.   

Stage* - This is the application stage for which the task needs to be completed. Single select field. You also have the option to select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application

Product - If you have tasks that are product specific, you can select the product here and these tasks will only populate when these products are selected. Single or multi select.  You also have the option to select (All) which can be any value out of those that the system has, but needs to have a value.  Selecting All is telling the system to look for at least one of those values when matching to the application.  If none of the values are found it will not match and therefore not apply. You can also select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application.  You also have search and filter capabilities where search allows you to start typing for a value and the drop down list will populate with any values matching your search criteria and filtering allows you to filter by Province.  The search and filter functions enable you to narrow down your options quicker than scrolling through the list particularly when you have a significant number of products. 

Priority* - This is the priority of the task. Choices are High, Medium, or Low and how these are assigned is at the discretion of the lender. Single select field. You also have the option to select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application

Assignee* - Specifies the role the task is assigned to, indicating the individual responsible for its completion. When users are assigned to specific roles within the application, any tasks associated with those roles will be updated to show the user assigned to the role as the task’s assignee. Single select field.  You also have the option to select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application

Application Purpose - If you have tasks that are specific to application purpose types, you can select the purpose here and these tasks will only populate when these purpose types are indicated on the application.  Single or Multi select.  You also have the option to select (All) which can be any value out of those that the system has, but needs to have a value.  Selecting All is telling the system to look for at least one of the values in the drop down list when matching to the application.  If none of the values are found it will not match and therefore not apply. You can also select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application.  

Property Type - If you have tasks that are specific to property types, you can select the property types here and these tasks will only populate when these property types are indicated on the application.  Single or Multi Select. You also have the option to select (All) which can be any value out of those that the system has, but needs to have a value.  Selecting All is telling the system to look for at least one of the values in the drop down list when matching to the application.  If none of the values are found it will not match and therefore not apply. You can also select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application.  

Employment Type - If you have tasks that are specific to an employment type, you can select the employment type here. These tasks will only populate when these employment types are indicated on the application. The task reads the employment type of the primary borrower only. Single or Multi Select. You also have the option to select (All) which can be any value out of those that the system has, but needs to have a value.  Selecting All is telling the system to look for at least one of the values in the drop down list when matching to the application.  If none of the values are found it will not match and therefore not apply. You can also select (-) which means any or null.  Selecting this option is telling the system to not evaluate or ignore this field when matching to the application.  

Due Days* - This is the number of days the user has to complete the task. The clock begins counting down at application ingestion for any tasks in the New Application stage, and at stage transition for all other stages.  

Due Hours - This is the number of hours the user has to complete the task. The clock begins counting down at application ingestion for any tasks in the New Application stage, and at stage transition for all other stages. 

Due Minutes - This is the number of minutes the user has to complete the task. The clock begins counting down at application ingestion for any tasks in the New Application stage, and at stage transition for all other stages. 

Ellipsis - Clicking on the ellipsis opens up the option to delete a task if necessary.

Scroll Bars - Located at the bottom of the list and to the far right of the screen.  Use these to scroll vertically or horizontally to see what does not fit on the page.  

Items Per Page - Depending on how large your list is, you may have more than one page of tasks.  To navigate through pages use the Items Per Page navigation at the bottom right hand side of your screen.   With this functionality you can indicate how many items per page you would like to see in groups of 10, 15, 25, 50, or 100.  You can see how many pages there are and scroll forwards and backwards through the pages if need be. 

Adding a Task

To add a new task, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the ‘Add New Task Button’.
  2. Enter the task details when the drop down appears. The fields consist of all the task headers. You are able to create tasks without selecting a stage or an employment type or other configuration fields. This is done in an effort to give more flexibility to how the process is defined by each lender. 

    Note: Tasks created without a designated stage will automatically be placed in the initial stage upon ingestion.
  3. Once finished, click on the ‘Create Default Task’ button.

If you wish to cancel the process of creating a default task, click on the cancel button .

Tasks will populate the list in order of addition with the most recent appearing at the bottom of the list. Any tasks created that are not assigned a stage will only populate in the All list. 

Editing a Task

To edit the task details, follow these steps:

  1. Find the task you wish to edit.
  2.  In the line of this task, find the field you wish to edit and click on it. 
  3. Update the data as necessary in the field. 

The system will automatically save any updates made.

Deleting a Task

Find the inline ellipsis located at the far right of the task you wish to delete. Click the ellipsis and select the ‘Delete’ to remove the task.