Archive, Lock, Delete, & Clone (Testing Environments only) Applications

Product Feature Guide

Table of Contents

Archiving an Application

Unarchiving an Application

Locking an Application

Unlocking an Application

Deleting An Application

Cloning an Application

Archiving an Application

The ‘Archive Application’ button is a useful tool to manage and clean up the active applications in the Pipeline View. It enables you to transfer and store applications in the Archived Applications Pipeline for viewing or audit purposes. For instance, applications that have reached the 'Funded' or 'Declined' stages can be archived to declutter the applications displayed in the Pipeline View. Currently, there is no automated process to move applications from active to archived. To determine when to move deals to the Archived Applications Pipeline, please refer to your company's internal guidelines. 

Location & Functionality

  1. Open the application from within the Pipeline View.
  2. Click on the ‘More Actions’ ellipsis found to the right of the ‘Decline’ button.

  3. In the drop-down list of actions, click on the ‘Archive Application’ option.
  4. A warning message pop up will appear asking you to confirm your action:
  5. Click the “Archive” button. Your application will now no longer appear in the active Pipeline View but will be visible in the Archived Pipeline View. 

To view the application that has been archived, you must go to the Pipeline View and select the ellipsis found at the top right corner of the screen. Click on the ‘Show Archived Application’ option from the drop-down list. 

This will direct you to the Archived Applications Pipeline view displaying all the applications that have been previously archived. Click on ‘Return to Applications’ (highlighted in orange) to return to the active Pipeline View.

Unarchiving an Application 

Location & Functionality

  1. Navigate to the Archived Applications Pipeline View.
  2. Open the application you wish to unarchive.
  3. Click on the ‘More Actions’ ellipsis found to the right of the ‘Decline’ button.
  4. In the drop-down list of Actions, click on the ‘Unarchive Application’ option.
  5. An Unarchive Deal pop up will appear asking if you are sure you want to unarchive the current application. 
  6. Select the “Unarchive” button and your application will move to the stage it was in when it was archived, and will be visible in the Pipeline of the active deals. 

Locking an Application

Applications are typically locked when they are completed. For instance, locking an application is a common practice when it is complete or has been funded. This prevents changes from being made on the application that might affect servicing considerations. Additionally, applications may also be locked for other reasons, such as cancellation, to maintain the integrity of the canceled application for comparison with future applications from the same applicant. The ability to lock an application depends on your role and the permissions set by your company. In some cases, locking may also occur automatically when a file is declined or funded. You can easily identify locked applications in the Pipeline view by the orange lock icon and in the dashboard with an orange warning bar at the top indicating that the application has been locked.

Location & Functionality

  1. Open the application from the Pipeline View.
  2. Click on the ‘More Actions’ ellipsis found to the right of the ‘Decline’ button.
  3. In the drop-down list of Actions, click on the ‘Lock Application’ option.
  4. Once a user clicks the ‘Lock Application’ option, a pop up will appear: 
  5. In the first field, select the option which best suits why you are locking the application. This list is managed in the ‘Lock Reasons’ section of the Manager Portal.
  6. In the second field, you can add any relevant notes in the ‘Add a reason comment’ field.
  7. When you are satisfied with these fields, click the ‘Lock’ button on the bottom right corner.

    When the application has successfully been locked, a warning bar will appear on top of the dashboard stating ‘This application has been locked’. Once the Lock Application’ option is selected within the Application Dashboard, the user will no longer be able to edit or move the application through the pipeline.

    The application will also maintain the stage transition history at the point when it was locked.  So, if it is unlocked, it returns to the stage it was in when it was locked and that is visible to the user.  

    Unlocking an Application

    It may be necessary to unlock an application once it has been locked. Depending on the situation, applications are typically unlocked when edits need to be made for final review prior to funding or declining. By locking an application, you preserve the integrity of the deal and are able to compare it to subsequent applications for the same applicant. Unlocking the application to make edits enables you to make adjustments to re-lock it as the user sees fit. Users with the necessary permission to lock an application also have the capability to unlock it.

    Location & Functionality

    1. Open the application from within the Pipeline View.
    2. Click on the ‘More Actions’ ellipsis found to the right of the ‘Decline’ button and select the ‘Unlock Application’ option.

      1. In the first field, select the option which best suits why you are unlocking the application.

      2. In the second field, you can add any relevant notes in the ‘Add a reason comment’ field.
      3. When you are satisfied with these fields, click the ‘Unlock’ button on the bottom right corner of the pop up or to cancel out of the action click the ‘Cancel’ button.

        When the application has successfully been unlocked, the warning stating ‘This application has been locked’ bar will disappear from the top of the dashboard. Users will then be able to edit or move the application through the pipeline, as they would prior to the application being locked. 

        Deleting An Application

        Archiving an application is the recommended practice, but users also have the option to delete an application if needed. When an application is deleted, it is permanently removed from the system, and the user will no longer have access to any of the information associated with the application. 

        Location & Functionality

        1. Open the application from within the Pipeline View.
        2. Click on the ‘More Actions’ ellipsis found to the right of the ‘Decline’ button.
        3. In the drop-down list of Actions, click on the ‘Delete Application’ option.
        4. A pop up will appear with the message ‘Are you sure you want to delete the current application?’:
        5. To delete the application, click the ‘Delete’ button, located on the bottom right of the pop up or to cancel this action, click the ‘Cancel’ button.

          Important: Once the application is deleted, the user will no longer be able to access the application or data within it, as it will be completely removed from the system. 

          Cloning an Application

          Note: This functionality is NOT available in production environments. It is only available in some sandbox environments.  

          You can create a new application from an existing application by “cloning”. It should be noted that the use case for this was to clone an application before it gets too far down the path and too much work has been done. As such, not all information will copy over upon cloning. A good scenario for use would be when an application comes in and the sender advises that this applicant is making two similar transactions such as buying two properties simultaneously. They would send one application in, the user would clone that original application before underwriting begins to create the second application. From that point onwards, both applications need to be managed independently of one another. 

          Location & Functionality

          1. Open the application from the Pipeline View.
          2. Click on the ‘More Actions’ ellipsis found to the right of the ‘Decline’ button.
          3. In the drop-down, select the ‘Clone Application’ option.
          4. A pop up will appear asking the user to confirm they wish to clone the application:
          5. Click the “Clone” button to proceed.
          6. The manual create application page will load with all the appropriate information carried over from the original application. 
          7. Review the application data and make any necessary changes.
          8. Click the “Submit” button once all your application data has been updated and added. 

          A new application will be created and the system will take you directly to the dashboard of the new application. You will now see both applications in your pipeline. The newly cloned application will populate in the New Applications stage and the source on that application will show as cloned.