Deal Ingestion

Product Feature Guide

Table of Contents


Manual Application Items, their Functionality and Description


Applications can be created by ingesting from a POS system (Filogix, Lendesk, Velocity), or by creating an application manually. Applications ingested directly from a POS system will appear automatically in the New Application Column in your pipeline similar to the example below:


Manual Application Items, their Functionality and Description

To manually create an application, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Create New Application’ button in the Pipeline View.
  2. Click on the "Create an application manually" button.
  3. This will direct you the application details section:
  4. Fill in all the necessary fields for the application.
  5. Once completed, click on the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.  

When the application is ready to be submitted, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Submit’ button.

When the application has been successfully submitted, it will bring you to the mortgage application dashboard of this application. You will now be able to engage with the application, through the system as needed.

Pre-approval applications submitted via Filogix and Velocity will be automatically declined by the LOS.  The submitting agent will receive an email notification (or if missing, the Agent). The email sent will contain a text similar to the one below:

When and if a live deal comes in, the users at that time will review the submission tab for any rate hold submission. They will determine if the rate was valid or not and proceed with underwriting and adjudicating the approval accordingly.