Troubleshooting Guide


General Issues & Fixes

Redirection Issues

Logging In To Your Account

Delayed Platform Issues

FundMore AI Related Issues

New Release Issues

Browser Issues

Saving Document Issues

Notification Issues

Sign In Notification

Email Accounts and Login Issues

Unable to Access Functionalities due to Permissions Issues


This guide was created to help you resolve any issues you may encounter prior to submitting a ticket through support. We want you to have the best resolution in the timeliest manner, so starting with the solutions here may resolve your issue faster than if you were to submit a ticket for the same problem.  

General Issues & Fixes

Redirection Issues

  1. First review that the main URL is correct (
  2. If the URL is correct, try clicking the refresh button which is typically located to the left of your address bar on the top of the browser. This action will load the most current version of the site.
  3. Should this not work, try clearing your browser cookies and cache next using the following shortcut:
    2. Select the ‘Cookies and other site data’ and ‘Cached images and files’ checkboxes and click the ‘Clear data’ button.
  4. If that does not work, try closing the browser and reopening it.
  5. Try a refresh (Control + Shift + R). 
  6. Lastly, try restarting your computer.
  7. If the above does not work, please submit a ticket to our support team.

      Logging In To Your Account 

      If you are having trouble logging in to the FundMore platforms, please review the below to ensure your credentials are correct:

      1. Check to ensure your Caps Lock is off.
      2. Check your URL to be sure you are logging into the correct portal.
      3. Select the “Forgot Your Password?” link and try resetting your password.
      4. If the above does not work, please submit a ticket so our support team can review the issues to find a resolution.

          Delayed Platform Issues

          If you experience persistent lagging within the FundMore application, begin by closing the browser window and opening the application in a new browser.

          When operating within a MAC OS, it is advised that you force quit the app to prevent the browser from running in the background. You can do so by following these steps:

          1. Use the following shortcut: 
            1. Windows: SHIFT + CTRL + ESC 
            2. Mac: OPTION + COMMAND + ESC
          2. Right click on the browser and select ‘End Task’.

                If delay issues still persist, review if there are any performance issues reported in your Task Manager such as having multiple tabs opened up in your browser.

                FundMore AI Related Issues

                New Release Issues

                Issues can arise with newly deployed releases or updates from FundMore. Before submitting a ticket, please review any release notes that were provided for any releases you are unfamiliar with and review the relevant training material.

                Furthermore, any time we update or enable something, there is a need to log out and log back in.  Please try this before submitting a ticket.

                Browser Issues

                We strongly recommend using Chrome as your browser when accessing the FundMore platforms, as it is the browser we constantly test with. Additionally, we support the two (2)  latest versions of Chrome, Safari and Edge. If you are unable to login with your browser, complete the following steps:

                1. Check to see if you are using Chrome, Safari or Edge
                  - If you are not, install one of the three browsers.
                2. Check to see if you are using one of the 2 latest versions of your respective browser
                  - If you are not, update your browser.
                3. Are you using any Chrome extensions?  This information will help us troubleshoot the issue. Sometimes Chrome extensions can cause issues.
                4. Are you able to log in using Chrome Incognito? 
                5. If you are still unable to utilize the systems, please submit a support ticket.

                Saving Documents Issues

                If your documents do not appear to be saving while the save process is running or that process appears to be running for a long time, it could be a result of a network error or the user did not  wait for the save to finish. As a result, the document is only partially saved, resulting in metadata without any actual content, which is why there is nothing visible when the user tries to find the saved document either in the list of saved documents or while attempting to send the document during an action (conditional approval process).

                We recommend that users refresh the page and attempt the operation again if they notice it is taking longer than one minute. This will help ensure that any potential errors or network issues do not disrupt the workflow.

                Notification Issues

                If you are not receiving email notifications through the FundMore platforms, please review the notifications settings in your user profile to ensure the checkbox is checked on for receiving notifications based on the appropriate platform actions. 

                Sign In Notification

                You may receive an email notification when our platforms do not recognize the IP address you are signing in from or, if your computer/device does not have a static IP address. The notification sent will be similar to the one below:

                New sign-in attempt when logging in despite being from the same location:
                We observed an unrecognized sign-in to your account with this information:
                Time: Friday, February 18, 2022 04:15 PM UTC
                Device: Chrome 98, Windows 10
                Location: Smiths Falls, Canada
                If this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on this link.
                If this sign-in was by you, you can follow this link to let us know

                This email notification is a security feature to confirm the identity of a user logging into their account. If you have not signed in to your account and receive this notification, please advise our support team as soon as possible.

                Email Accounts and Login Issues

                Email addresses used for accounts within the FundMore application can be case sensitive, depending on how the company has agreed to set up the server. If the user does not enter the email address exactly as it was originally set up during the account creation, it will affect the user's ability to login. 

                FundMore AI is case sensitive:

       is not equivalent to

                Unable to Access Functionalities due to Permissions Issues

                If you are unable to complete certain actions or access functionalities, this may be a matter of the permissions attributed to your role. Managers may need to execute the function or adjust the user's role to grant them the ability to perform it. Please review the permissions attribute to your role and submit a support ticket if your issues are persisting. 

                Note: If you are still experiencing the issue after troubleshooting, a ticket should be submitted to Please direct your request to the designated individuals within your company responsible for initiating support tickets.