Lawyer Management

Product Feature Guide

Table of Contents 


Features & Functionality

Adding A Lawyer

Deleting A Lawyer

Editing a Lawyer


Lawyer Management enables you to create a static list of lawyers that can be added to your applications quickly via the Stakeholder widget. By creating this list within Lawyer Management, you can efficiently manage your list of approved lawyers that you and your brokers use regularly.

 Lawyer Mgmt


  1. Navigate to the Manager Portal from the top menu. 
  2. In the Manager Portal, select the Lawyer Management option from the left sidebar. 

Features & Functionality 

Lawyer Mgmt (1)

Search box - Located at the top left corner of the section. In the search box, you are able to enter text/keywords related to the previously created lawyers. All lawyers with the search criteria in them will appear in a list below.

‘Add New Lawyer’ Button - Allows a user to add a new lawyer. When you click this button, a new page will open, providing fields to input data. 

Column Headers - Organizes the lawyer list into columns that can be sorted and edited. To sort a column, hover over its header and click the arrow. By default, the arrows point upwards for ascending order. To sort in descending order, click the arrow to make it point downwards.

First Name - The first name of the lawyer. 

Last Name - The last name of the lawyer. 

Cell phone - The cell phone number of the lawyer.

Email - The email contact of the lawyer.

Company - The company which the lawyer works for. 

Street - The street address the lawyer’s company resides on

City - The city the lawyer’s company resides in.

Province - The province the lawyer’s company resides in

Inline Ellipsis - Clicking on the ellipsis opens up the option to delete a lawyer if necessary. 

Scroll Bars - Located at the bottom of the list of lawyers and to the far right of the screen. Use these to scroll horizontally or vertically through the list to see what does not fit on the page. 

Items Per Page - Depending on how large your list is, you may have more than one page of lawyers. To navigate through pages use the Items Per Page navigation at the bottom right hand side of your screen.  With this functionality you can indicate how many items per page you would like to see in groups of 10, 15, 25, 50, or 100. You can see how many pages there are and scroll forwards and backwards through the pages if need be. 

Adding A Lawyer

To add a lawyer, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the add new lawyer button.
  2. In the menu that appears, enter the lawyer’s information.
    Note: All fields are required as indicated by the red underlining of a field when a line does not meet the requirements. 
  3. Click on the ‘Create Lawyer’ button when you are done updating the new lawyer information. The lawyer will appear in the list of lawyers. 

Deleting A Lawyer

To delete a lawyer, click the ellipsis icon in the same row as the lawyer you want to remove, then choose 'Delete'.

Editing a Lawyer

To edit lawyer details, find the lawyer whose information you wish to edit in the list. In the line of the lawyer, find the field you wish to edit and click on it. Update the data as necessary in the field. The system will automatically save any updates made. 

Note: Any edits made will only reflect on new applications coming in. If you have made edits to lawyers on files that are currently in process you will need to manually update those files within the Stakeholder widget to reflect those changes. 

