Product Feature Guide
Table Of Contents
A notification is when the User that is assigned to an application is notified from the platform based on the notifications table below. Notifications are sent out via email and in app (notification bell in the top right corner of dashboard). The type of notification received is based on the action. Either both types of notifications will be sent or one or the other. In app notifications (Bell) can not be turned on or off but they can be muted. Email notifications can be managed by each user within their settings in the system. They can choose which email notifications to turn on or off. This guide includes a list of all actions with their corresponding notifications. This list is currently in development and we are working to improve and expand on it.
In app notifications can be viewed in both the dashboard and the pipeline view. To view all notifications associated with your account, click on the notifications icon i.e. the bell icon in the navigation bar.
The notification bell displays a badge showing the number of unread items. Users will notice the bell in your company's branding color instead of dark gray, along with a counter indicating the unread notifications.
You can mark an item as read by clicking on it or using one of the relevant options listed below.
Note: In-app notifications will also persist even if you have your email notifications turned off in your settings.
Mark all as read: To mark all notifications as read, click on the notification bell and select the “Mark all as read” option. Marking a notification as read will leave the notification text in the list but the text color changes to a lighter version and the counter number will reduce.
❗ We are aware of an issue where marking all notifications as read does not persist when users log out of the application. When users log back into the application, some of the notifications revert back to being unread, and the counter reappears. This limitation is being addressed by our development team but there is no estimated time for a fix. As a temporary workaround, users have the following options:
- Utilize the “Mark as read” function for individual notifications.
- Don't log out of your system. There is no need now for you to log out of your system daily as originally recommended. So, if you use the Mark all as read option instead and do not log out, this will persist until you do logout.
This guide will be updated once the issue is resolved.
Clear all: To clear all notifications, click on the notification bell and select the “Clear all” option. Clearing your notifications will remove them from the list altogether and the counter indicator will disappear until the next notification appears. You cannot undo this action.
Mute: To mute notifications, click the notifications icon and select the “Mute” option. Muting notifications only prevents the notification pop-up from displaying. It does not stop the counter, the notification from appearing in the notification list, or the email notification if they are toggled on by the user.
Only Show Unread: You can filter notifications to only show those that are unread. To do so, click on the notification bell and select the “Only show unread” option. This will filter the notification list to display only the unread notifications, making it easier to manage and prioritize important notifications.
Additionally, there are options to manage individual notifications. When you hover over a notification, an ellipsis will appear. Click on the ellipsis to access options to mark the notification as read or unread, or clear the notification.
Mark as read: To mark a specific notification as read, click on the ellipsis (three dots) within the notification itself and select “Mark as read.” This will change the text color to a lighter version, indicating it has been read, and reduce the counter number.
Mark as unread: To mark a specific notification as unread, click on the ellipsis (three dots) within the notification itself and select “Mark as unread.” This will change the text color back to its original state and increase the counter number, indicating it is unread.
Clear Notification: To clear a specific notification, click on the ellipsis (three dots) within the notification itself and select “Clear notification.” This will remove the specific notification from the list entirely.
By default, notifications are retained for a period of 30 days, which means they are automatically removed from the user’s view after this time. However, your organization has the flexibility to reconfigure this retention period to a duration of your choosing.
Below is a table of all system notifications identifying the notification, how it is sent (in app &/or email), who it is sent to, and the general notification message.
Category: Tasks
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
New Task Assigned |
In-App |
Assigned User of the task |
Immediate |
Bell: Task Updated Your assigned task “task_name” has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Task Updated: “task_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, Your assigned task “task_name” has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Task: — Description: — Stage: — Priority: — Assignee: — Due Date: — Due Time: — Open Application |
Task Updated |
In-App |
Assigned User of the task |
Immediate |
Bell: Task Updated Your assigned task “task_name” has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Task Updated: “task_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, Your assigned task “task_name” has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Task: — Description: — Stage: — Priority: — Assignee: — Due Date: — Due Time: — Open Application |
Task Completed |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Task Completed The task “task_name” has been completed on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Task Completed: “task_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, The task “task_name” has been completed on “primary_borrower_name” application. Task: — Description: — Stage: — Priority: — Assignee: — Due Date: — Due Time: — Open Application |
Task Deleted |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Task Deleted The task “task_name” has been deleted on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: N/A |
Category: Application
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
New user assigned |
In-App |
Assigned User of the task |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Assigned You have been assigned as role_name on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Application Assigned: “borrower_name” Hello user_name, You have been assigned as role_name on “primary_borrower_name” application. Open Application |
UW is auto assigned to application |
In-App |
Assigned User of the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Assigned You have been assigned as role_name on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Application Assigned: “borrower_name” Hello user_name, You have been assigned as role_name on “primary_borrower_name” application. Open Application |
Delegate is assigned (OOO) |
In-App |
Assigned Delegate |
Immediate |
Bell: Delegate Assignment You have been assigned as delegate for requester_name (role_name). Email: Delegate Assignment: “requester_name (role_name)” Hello user_name, You have been assigned as delegate for requester_name (role_name). |
Application stage change |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Stage Change “primary_borrower_name” application has been moved from “old_stage” to “new_stage”. Email: Application Stage Change: “primary_borrower_name” application moved to “new_stage” Hello user_name, “primary_borrower_name” application has been moved from “old_stage” to “new_stage”. Open Application |
Duplicate application notification |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Duplicate Found Similar application “primary_borrower_name_dup” to the one you have assigned “primary_borrower_name” has been created. Email: Duplicate Found: “primary_borrower_name_dup” Hello user_name, Similar application “primary_borrower_name_dup” to the one you have assigned “primary_borrower_name” has been created. Reason: — Comment: — table Open Application |
Application status changes Pending Approved |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Approved/Pended ”primary_borrower_name” application has been approved/pended. Email: Application Approved/Pended: “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, ”primary_borrower_name” application has been approved/pended. Open Application |
Locked or Unlocked |
In-App |
Everyone that is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Locked/Unlocked ”primary_borrower_name” application has been locked/unlocked. |
Archive or Unarchive |
In-App |
Everyone that is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Archived/Unarchived ”primary_borrower_name” application has been archived/unarchived. |
Deleted |
In-App |
Everyone that is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Application Deleted ”primary_borrower_name” application has been deleted. |
Category: Approval
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
Approval request updates |
In-App |
Requestor |
Immediate |
Bell: Request Approved/Declined approver_name has approved/declined your approval request “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Changes Requested approver_name has requested changes on your approval request “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Request Approved/Declined: “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello requestor_name, approver_name has approved/declined your approval request “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Comment: — Open Application Changes Requested: “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello requestor_name, approver_name has requested changes on your approval request “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Comment: — Open Application |
Approval Requested |
In-App |
Approver |
Immediate |
Bell: Approval Requested requestor_name has requested your approval “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Approval Requested: “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello approver_name, requestor_name has requested your approval “approval_type” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Comment: — Open Application |
Category: Chat
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
Chat mention |
In-App |
User mentioned in chat |
Immediate |
Bell: Mentioned in chat author_name has mentioned you in the chat on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Mentioned in chat on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, author_name has mentioned you in the chat on “primary_borrower_name” application. list of messages Open Application |
Category: Document
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
Condition Document uploaded |
In-App |
Everyone that is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Documents Uploaded Documents have been uploaded on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Documents uploaded on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, Documents have been uploaded on “primary_borrower_name” application. table (a list of documents) Open Application |
Condition Document reviewed |
In-App |
Everyone that is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Document Accepted/Rejected ”document_name” has been accepted/rejected on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Document Accepted/Rejected: “document_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, ”document_name” has been accepted/rejected on “primary_borrower_name” application. Comments: — Open Application . |
Condition Document comment added |
In-App |
Everyone that is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: New Comment on Document author_name added a new comment to document “document_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: New Comment on Document: “document_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application Hello user_name, author_name added a new comment to document “document_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application. Comments: — Open Application |
Ezidox document uploaded |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Document Uploaded Document “document_name” has been uploaded on “primary_borrower_name” application. Documents Queued for Upload Documents have been queued for upload on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: N/A |
Ezidox application created |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Document Request Created Document request for “borrower_name” has been created on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: ezidox |
Ezidox click on under review |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Document Under Review ”document_name” has been marked as under review on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox marked as irrelevant |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Document Not Relevant ”document_name” has been marked as irrelevant on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox document reviewed and comment added |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: New Comment on Document author_name left a new comment to document “document_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox document reviewed and accepted or rejected |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Document Accepted/Rejected ”document_name” has been accepted/rejected on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: ezidox |
Ezidox applicant created |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
5-10 second |
Bell: Document Request Created Document request for “borrower_name” has been created on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox applicant create failed |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Bell: Failed: Create Document Request There was an error while creating the document request for “borrower_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox applicant updated |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
5-10 second |
Bell: Document Request Updated Document request for “borrower_name” has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox applicant update failed |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
5-10 second |
Bell: Failed: Update Document Request There was an error while updating the document request for “borrower_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox applicant deleted |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
5-10 second |
Bell: Document Request Removed Document request for “borrower_name” has been deleted on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Ezidox share failed |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
5-10 second |
Bell: Failed: Share Document Request There was an error while sharing the document request for “borrower_name” on “primary_borrower_name” application. |
Category: User
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
Create a new user |
Target user |
Immediate |
Welcome to Hello, Here is your username user_name and here is your temporary password password Please use the above credentials to login into All the best, The Team |
Forgot Password |
Target User |
Immediate |
Your verification code Hello, Your verification code is code_number. |
Category: Integrations
Action |
Notification Sent |
Who is notified |
Response Time |
Message |
Insurance quote updated |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Mortgage Insurance Quote Updated Mortgage insurance quote #insurance_number has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Mortgage Insurance Quote Updated: #insurance_number on “primary_borrower_name” application Mortgage insurance quote #insurance_number has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Open Application |
Insurance quote updated |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: CMHC MI Quote Updated CMHC MI quote #insurance_number has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: CMHC MI Quote Updated: #insurance_number on “primary_borrower_name” application CMHC MI quote #insurance_number has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Latest status: — Open Application |
Insurance quote updated |
In-App |
Everyone who is assigned to the application |
Immediate |
Bell: Sagen MI Quote Updated Sagen MI quote #insurance_number has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Email: Sagen MI Quote Updated: #insurance_number on “primary_borrower_name” application Sagen MI quote #insurance_number has been updated on “primary_borrower_name” application. Latest status: — Open Application |